Homecoming October 13th 2023
Carolina BCM homecoming Alumni, Family, Friends, and Students. It is a great time of remembering fun times in the past. And also look ahead towards what is to come. The event is free. The Alumni Committee has set a goal to raise $10,000 for summer missions.
Hit the “GIVE” button at the top and add a note for “Homecoming Missions”

A weekend to challenge and equip students to passionately and sacrificially follow Jesus and to boldly share the Gospel on their campuses.
Fall Flannel Formal
Come dressed in your finest flannel clothes and join us for a night of dancing on Davis Field by Russell House in the heart of USC’s campus!
South Carolina v. Florida Football Tailgate
Come tailgate at Carolina BCM and watch the Gamecocks battle it out in Gainesville, Florida against the Florida Gators!
Time: TBA once game time is published
BCM 100 Anniversary Event
Carolina BCM 100 Year Anniversary! Carolina Baptist Collegiate Ministry 100 Year Anniversary!
Come Celebrate with us Friday October 28th at 6p for our Alumni, Parents and Friends worship night. RSVP to let us know you are coming. Click link below.
Saturday from 10a-2p BCM Alumni Drop-In
Come grab a centennial gift and take a tour through the building.
Fall Retreat '22
Come join Carolina BCM in fellowship for a weekend getaway!
Cost and Location: $75 for Freshmen $85 for Upperclassmen

Lake Day (Welcome Week)
Come out for a fun day on the lake to wrap up Welcome Week with BCM!
Start meeting at BCM to carpool at 10:45am!

Back to School Tailgate (Welcome Week)
Come join in on the fun as we welcome in the new school year with a bash!
(There may be a special guest or two…)

Freshman Night (Welcome Week)
Come one, come all! We can’t wait to see you all here in Columbia to start off your college career! We want to connect with you BEFORE moving in. All Freshmen are invited for a night of fun and games! Monday, August 15 @ 9PM!

Welcome Week
Welcome Week Festivities for the upcoming 2022-2023 School Year put on by BCM!
End-Of-The-Year Bash
We’re celebrating the end of an AWESOME year! We’ll gather at a local farm & play games, eat over the fire, line dance, etc…We’ll gather at BCM & head over together. Everyone’s welcome!
Love Cola Event
On this Saturday we’re joining believers from all over Columbia to help put a roof on a local church, Grace Baptist Church. Lunch will be provided. It’ll be a fun day of joining others around Columbia in order to give back!

Spring Break Road Trip!!!
This Spring Break BCM is taking a Road Trip to some of the great cities around the Southeast: New Orleans, LA, Memphis & Nashville, TN. Along the way we’ll be making stops & touring some of the great sights & eat some of the great cuisine these cities have to offer. The trip cost $115.00 per person. That price DOES NOT include two meals (Lunch & Supper) in New Orleans, supper in Memphis, lunch & supper in Nashville, and lunch in Atlanta on the way home. It does include breakfast each day, entrance into Graceland in Memphis (Elvis Presley’s house), and a t-shirt. We will enjoy each city & hear from ministry leaders in each city. Spots are limited so sign up soon (Remember, we are leaving 10 spots open for International Students). DEADLINE to sign up by 3PM February 24th.
What is a Road Trip?
A Road Trip is an adventure where we’ll drive from Columbia to other cities across the Southeastern part of the United States. We’ll spend the night in these various cities & will explore each one in the afternoon. There will be a good bit of time on the road, but we’ll have fun & do plenty of exploring!
CONVERGE is the annual BCM gathering at Myrtle Beach where BCM’s from all across the state “CONVERGE” on the beach together for a great, fun weekend of worship, growth, hanging out & having fun together. This year it’s back at Myrtle Beach and will be held on January 21-23. You don’t want to miss out, and only the first 60 people will get to go. So, sign up now! Check out the video below to wet your appetite and then sign up & pay below. (You will be responsible for your dinner on Friday night on the way to the beach, lunch on Saturday, and lunch on your way home Sunday. You will have breakfast provided on Saturday & Sunday and you’ll also have supper provided on Saturday night.)
BCM End-of-the-semester Scavenger Hunt
This is our annual scavenger hunt to finish off a great fall semester. So, come ready to find “Bob!”
International Student Thanksgiving Meal
Sign-ups for this will be coming soon, but mark this date down so you can get yourself, your spouse & family signed up for BCM’s Thanksgiving Meal for International Students & their families!
Fall Flannel Formal
This is BCM’s annual Contra Dance Night (Line/Square Dance). It’s held up at Russell House on the patio. So, secure your flannel shirts & come out & enjoy a really fun event with us!
BCM Costume Contest Night
Wear your Halloween Costume to BCM on this night! We’ll give out a prize for the best costume during our normal community night.
Fall Retreat
Our BCM Fall Retreat is an annual event that allows returning & new students to get better connected around a fun weekend of team building, Bible study & games. This year we’re going Garden City Chapel in Garden City Beach, SC! Yes, we will be watching the USC vs. UGA game together for those interested! Sign up below & be sure to submit your payment. The price includes your room, food & a t-shirt for the entire weekend.

It’s that time of year, time for our annual Back-to-School party! Bring your friends & come enjoy a luau with us in the BCM parking lot! Feel free to wear your Hawaiian shirts & party with us.
Lake Day (Welcome Week)
Come enjoy an afternoon at Lake Wateree with us. We’ll leave the BCM building at 12:45. Feel free to bring your friends!
Open Mic Night! (A Welcome Week Event)
You got talent? Come & share it with us at BCM. We’ll have snacks provided! Bring your friends & show us your talents on the Guitar, with your words, or voice, or any other instrument you’d like to share.
Welcome Week Pancake Bar
Come hang out with us & play some games at the BCM Building. We’ll have a pancake bar with all of the stuff to make them DELICIOUS! Feel free to invite your friends.